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scikit classifier with unknown prediction

I'm planning to use Python Scikit to do some text classification, and was planning to use using TfidfVectorizer and MultinomialNB.

but I realized that MultinomialNB will always predict my sample into an existing (known) category.

for example, if I have:

category A: trained with sample "this is green"
category B: trained with sample "this is blue"
category C: trained with sample "this is red"

and I try to predict: "this is yellow"

it will give me category A (or any other, because the probablity is the same for all categories in this case).

my question is: is there a classifier that would give me "unknown" (or none, or false, or error) for the test case above?

I would like to know when my test case could not be predicted with the given training set.

I think I could check if my_classifier.predict_proba(X_test)) returns an array with all equal or close values (in this example case: [[ 0.33333333 0.33333333 0.33333333]]).

actually, I would have to check if the values are close to their defaults, because the probabilities might not be the same for each category :)

so... any better approach or... is there a classifier with some confidence threshold I could use?


  • You can look into doing novelty detection. I would check out that link and the associated example. The idea, in that example, is to use a:

    One-class SVM is an unsupervised algorithm that learns a decision function for novelty detection: classifying new data as similar or different to the training set.

    (Emphasis is mine.) I don't know how it would perform with the small amount of data in your example, I'd guess "poorly", but I believe that novelty detection is the sort of thing you are looking for here.