My program displays Pascal's triangle. For enlarging the portion of the triangle that may be calculated and displayed, I've rewritten the code using BigInteger instead of primitive types.
Here's the code:
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class ptrig {
public static void main(String args[]) {
BigInteger no = BigInteger.valueOf(5);
// Creating the array
String doubledim[][] = new String[no.intValue()][];
BigInteger k;
for (k = BigInteger.ZERO; k.compareTo(no) < 0; k.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
doubledim[k.intValue()] = new String[k.intValue() + BigInteger.ONE.intValue()];
// Assigning values
BigInteger i, j, p, n;
BigInteger l = BigInteger.ONE;
for (i = BigInteger.ZERO; i.compareTo(no) < 0; i.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
for (j = BigInteger.ZERO; j.compareTo(i.add(BigInteger.ONE)) < 0; j.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
BigInteger m = i.subtract(j);
if (j.compareTo(m) > 0) {
for (p = BigInteger.ZERO; p.compareTo(m) < 0; p = p.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
n = i.subtract(p);
l = l.multiply(n);
doubledim[i.intValue()][j.intValue()] = l.divide(factorial.factmet(m)).toString();
l = BigInteger.ONE;
if (m.compareTo(j) > 0) {
for (p = BigInteger.ZERO; p.compareTo(j) < 0; p = p.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
n = i.add(p.add(BigInteger.ONE)).subtract(j);
l = l.multiply(n);
doubledim[i.intValue()][j.intValue()] = l.divide(factorial.factmet(j)).toString();
l = BigInteger.ONE;
if (m.compareTo(j) == 0) {
for (p = BigInteger.ZERO; p.compareTo(j) < 0; p = p.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
n = i.subtract(p);
l = l.multiply(n);
doubledim[i.intValue()][j.intValue()] = l.divide(factorial.factmet(j)).toString();
l = BigInteger.ONE;
// Printing
for (i = BigInteger.ZERO; i.compareTo(no) < 0; i.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
for (j = BigInteger.ZERO; j.compareTo(i.add(BigInteger.ONE)) < 0; j.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
System.out.print(doubledim[i.intValue()][j.intValue()] + " ");
The problem is it displays nothing. I've read on Stack Overflow I need to convert the array values into strings for that they're displayed, so I did. I've also checked the System.out.println
statements - they seem to be fine. The error persisted.
The algorithm itself worked fine on a previous version with primitive types.
What's the error here? I did my best to find an answer on the web, I couldn't. Thanks.
Your for-loops aren't incrementing their indices, and will therefor loop forever.
doesn't mutate i
, it creates a new BigInteger
and returns it. If you want to increment the value of i
, you need to write i = i.add(BigInteger.ONE)
This means that when you try to initialize your array, you're entering an infinite loop, where you re-initialize doubledim[0]
for (k = BigInteger.ZERO; k.compareTo(no) < 0; k.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
doubledim[k.intValue()] = new String[k.intValue() + BigInteger.ONE.intValue()];
should be
for (k = BigInteger.ZERO; k.compareTo(no) < 0; k = k.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
doubledim[k.intValue()] = new String[k.intValue() + BigInteger.ONE.intValue()];
and you'll need to likewise fix the loops that control the population of data in your arrays, and printing of their data later in your program.