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Is it a good practice to execute terminal commands from a Perl or PHP script?

Like executing a command using backticks or exec() or system().


  • Yes, this is bad practice in almost all cases! This is especially true if you have a choice.

    Executing external commands is:

    • Very hard to do correctly (but very easy to get sort-of-working). You can't just escape the shell args and call it a day, you have to account for potentially multiple levels of escaping for potentially different languages.

    • Slow. A fork+exec to e.g. rm is easily a thousand times slower than the corresponding syscall.

    • A rigid, error-prone and inexpressive integration point. You typically have to convert data to flat lists of strings and back. You can't use the language's features like exception handling, nested data structures or callbacks.

    Due to this, the following are BAD reasons to call external commands:

    • Not knowing how to do X in your language, but knowing a shell command for it. A typical example is cp -R foo bar.

    • Not knowing how something works, but knowing a shell oneliner that does it. A typical example is foo *.mp4 > >(tee file).

    • Not wanting to learn a new API for e.g. json or http, and instead using shell tools like jq or curl.

    However, if you are calling a program that does non-trivial things, that doesn't have a native library or bindings, AND that you know how to invoke with execve semantics (NOT system nor perl exec semantics that invoke shells), this is a valuable tool.

    Examples of good uses of executing external commands that follow all the above is invoking make to build a project from an installer, or running java -jar ... to start a Minecraft server.