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Launch Changed event before anything changes

My app uses internet, so I would like to check, if there is internet connection, and if not - show error. I have implemented class as shown in this site:

public class InternetConnectionChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
    public InternetConnectionChangedEventArgs(bool isConnected)
        this.isConnected = isConnected;

    private bool isConnected;
    public bool IsConnected
        get { return isConnected; }

public static class Network
    public static event EventHandler<InternetConnectionChangedEventArgs>

    static Network()
        NetworkInformation.NetworkStatusChanged += (s) =>
            if (InternetConnectionChanged != null)
                var arg = new InternetConnectionChangedEventArgs(IsConnected);
                InternetConnectionChanged(null, arg);

    public static bool IsConnected
            var profile = NetworkInformation.GetInternetConnectionProfile();
            var isConnected = (profile != null
                && profile.GetNetworkConnectivityLevel() ==
            return isConnected;

But using this approach I have to duplicate my code:

    //do stuff with internet
    //show error message

Network.InternetConnectionChanged += async (s, args) =>
    await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async () =>
        if (args.IsConnected)
            //do the same stuff with internet
            //show the same error message

Because InternetConnectionChanged event launches only if internet connection changes, but I also need to now, if there is internet connection at the beginning. Is there a way to that without duplicating code and not writing each code as separate method?


  • Just encapsulate your logic in its own method, something like this:

    private void DoStuffDependingOnConnection(bool isConnected)
       if (isConnected)
       else /* ... */

    Then when your program launches execute


    And your event handler will look like this:

    await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, 
                              async () => DoStuffDependingOnConnection(args.IsConnected));