I connected R with my mysql Database. When I use the command sqlSave(channel, dataframe)
my dataframe will be written into the database, but all entries which are coded as dates in R (class "POSIXct" "POSIXt", e.g. "2016-01-01 CET") only the year will be recorded in the mysql Database. How is this possible?
Thanks for your help.
EDIT: The column type is "double". So i guess sqlSave can't save as Date/Time?
I used the exact function, but from library(RMySQL)
, as follows and it worked for me. First make sure your data is in the correct format:
toSql$Date<-as.POSIXct(strptime(toSql$Date,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",tz="GMT"))
Then also make sure that when you created your table you used TIMESTAMP
as the columntype:
create table table_name(
Saving to the database then looks as follows:
dbWriteTable(con, name = "table_name", toSql, overwrite=FALSE,
append=TRUE,row.names = NA)
Perhaps also make sure that your names of your dataframe
is the same:
[1] "ID" "DATE"