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How can I access an Activity from LibGdx core project?

I need to just go to an Activity from LibGdx core classes, but my problem is that I am using a GameStateManager which is confusing me with this posts answer I have found.The error it gave me was that my main class in core project "MyGdxGame" was null.

This is my GameStateManager class:

public class GameStateManager {

private GameState gameState;

public static final int MENU = 0;
public static final int PLAY = 1;
public static final int HIGHSCORESTATE = 2;
public static final int BALLSTORE = 3;
public static final int CHARACTERSTORE = 4;
public static final int WINAPRIZE = 5;

public GameStateManager(){

public void setState(int state){
    if(gameState != null)gameState.dispose();

    if(state == MENU){
        gameState = new MenuState(this);
    if(state == PLAY){
        gameState = new PlayState(this);
    if(state == HIGHSCORESTATE){
        gameState = new HighScoreState(this);
    if(state == BALLSTORE){
        gameState = new BallStoreState(this);
    if(state == CHARACTERSTORE){
        gameState = new CharacterStoreState(this);
    if(state == WINAPRIZE){
        gameState = new WinPrizeState(this);

public void update(float dt){

public void draw(){

And this is my GameState class that all my states extend

    public abstract class GameState {

protected GameStateManager gsm;

protected GameState(GameStateManager gsm){
    this.gsm = gsm;


public abstract void init();
public abstract void update(float dt);
public abstract void draw();
public abstract void handleInput();
public abstract void dispose();

And this is my MyGdxGame class.AndroidStuff is the Interface.

public class MyGdxGame extends ApplicationAdapter {

public static int WIDTH;
public static int HEIGHT;
public static OrthographicCamera camera;
private GameStateManager gsm;

public MyGdxGame(AndroidStuff androidStuff) {
    this.androidStuff = androidStuff;

public void create () {

    WIDTH =;
    HEIGHT =;

    camera = new OrthographicCamera();
    camera.translate(WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2);

    gsm = new GameStateManager();


public void render () {, 0, 0, 1);;



  • Just in case anyone else has the same problem

    I did exactly like in the link's answer, but I didn't change the MenuState constructor, I just changed the GameStateManager's constructor and I gave it public MyGdxGame myGdxGame public class GameStateManager(MyGdxGame mygame){this.myGdxgame = mygame;} and I accessed the method by gsm.mygdx.androidStuff.startActivity() which I can do in every class that extends GameState.