Recently I have posted a question, it contains some syntax error, now the code is running without error, thanks to @Arulkumar.
But now I am facing one more problem, data from excel sheet is storing properly on to SQL Server database, but when I press refresh button or if I go to that link again in my application, data is repeating in the database. Means again it is retrieving values from excel and storing same data again in the database.
How can I avoid data repetition. Can any one please help me to solve this issue? Code and excel sheet sample is there in the above mentioned link.
You need MERGE statement
request.query('MERGE [mytable] as target USING (SELECT SalesPersonID, TerritoryID FROM OPENROWSET(' +
'\'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0\', \'Excel 12.0;Database=D:\\sample\\test\\data\\1540_OPENROWSET_Examples.xls;HDR=YES\', ' +
'\'SELECT SalesPersonID, TerritoryID FROM [SELECT_Example$]\')' +
' ) as source' +
' ON target.SalesPersonID = source.SalesPersonID' +
' WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET TerritoryID = source.TerritoryID' +
' WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (SalesPersonID, TerritoryID) VALUES (source.SalesPersonID, source.TerritoryID);'
if(err) console.log(err)
It will update TerritoryID
if there is already row with same SalesPersonID
and insert row if there is no matches in mytable
If you need join on both fields change this:
ON target.SalesPersonID = source.SalesPersonID
On this:
ON target.SalesPersonID = source.SalesPersonID AND target.TerritoryID = source.TerritoryID
And after that - remove this string because it doesn't need anymore:
'WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET TerritoryID = source.TerritoryID' +