I tried to implement a date selection using three ComboBox as shown below.
contents += new Label("Selected Date:")
val dayBox = new ComboBox(1 to 31)
contents += dayBox
val monthBox = new ComboBox(List("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"))
contents += monthBox
reactions += {
case SelectionChanged(`monthBox`) => Dialog.showMessage(ui, "Month changed.")
contents += new ComboBox(2011 to 2020)
How can I change the items in dayBox as I change the monthBox? I knew that the Dialog.showMessage part should be changed. But I am wondering how?
For example, when I change to Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Oct, Dec, the day should show 31, while 30 for others except 28 for Feb.
You have to use the peer JComboBox
object of the ComboBox
to change the items in it:
scala> import swing.ComboBox
import swing.ComboBox
scala> val cb = new ComboBox(1 to 31)
cb: scala.swing.ComboBox[Int] = scala.swing wrapper scala.swing.ComboBox$$anon$1[...]
scala> cb.peer.getModel.getSize
res6: Int = 31
scala> cb.peer.setModel(ComboBox.newConstantModel(1 to 30))
scala> cb.peer.getModel.getSize
res8: Int = 30