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How do i get the cakephp server command for version 2.1.2

My present cake project is in version 2.1.2. I want to have a server console command like version 3.x provides. How do I get this working?


  • A cli is not needed

    cd /path/to/your/app/webroot/
    php -S localhost:8000

    Is the equivalent of all the 3.x server command does.

    I want a cli anyway

    Well, the cli is very simple. So all you'd need is to create a command that does the same thing, in principle:

    // app/Console/Command/ServerShell.php
    App::uses('AppShell', 'Console/Command');
    class ServerShell extends AppShell
        public function main()
            $command = sprintf(
                "php -S %s:%d -t %s %s",
                escapeshellarg(WWW_ROOT . '/index.php')

    Note that this only works with version 5.4+ of php as that's when the inbuilt webserver was introduced.