I'm using WordPress on centos 6.
I try to install a plugin. But I got this error:
Installing Plugin: bbPress 2.5.9 Downloading install package from https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/bbpress.2.5.9.zip…
Unpacking the package…
Could not create directory.
How can I resolve this?
P/S: I run this command:
sudo -u root touch /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/test.txt
and it works. But I still get that error.
The user that is running your web server does not have permissions to write to the directory that Wordpress is intending to create the plugin directory in. You should chown the directory in question to the user that is running Wordpress. It is most likely not root.
In short, this is a permissions issue. Your touch command is working because you're using it as root, and root has global permissions to write wherever it wants.