There has to be a better way than what I am doing in my haribranedness
ApplicationCircuit.zoom(_.posts.postList) {
case p: Post ⇒
ApplicationCircuit.connect(_.posts.postList.filterNot(x ⇒ x == p).head)(x ⇒ PostItemC(PostItemC.Props(x)))
It's a weird question but I have my reasons. When I render each Post
from ModelProxy[Posts]
where case class Posts(seq: Seq[Post])
, I'd like to instead render a ModelProxy[Post]
, a proxy for each one. This will allow me to, moving forward, wrap it in a Pot
and then handle individual Post
updates, deletes, etc with great ease.
I'm having trouble finagling the object into that form, though, but I feel like there are so many zoomFlatMap
and zoomFlatMapRW
etc that something should help me get from where I am to there. That said, I am lost.
My closest attempt
ApplicationCircuit.zoom(_.posts.postList) {
case p: Post ⇒
ApplicationCircuit.connect(_.posts.postList.filterNot(x ⇒ x == p).head)(_.)
ie, ApplicationCircuit.connect(_.posts.postList)(proxy ⇒ ModelProxy(????))
object ApplicationCircuit
extends Circuit[ApplicationModel]
with ReactConnector[ApplicationModel] {
addProcessor(new DiodeLogger[ApplicationModel]())
override protected def initialModel: ApplicationModel = ApplicationModel(
Masthead(NavigationItems(Seq()), "JustinTampa", "", active = false)
override protected def actionHandler = composeHandlers(
new PostHandler(zoomRW(_.posts)((m,v) ⇒ m.copy(posts = v))),
new MastheadHandler(zoomRW(_.masthead)((m,v) ⇒ m.copy(masthead = v)))
In your render code you should really only use functions from the ReactConnector
trait, like wrap
and connect
. For this case it's probably best to connect
to Posts
and then render individual items in the sequence.
ApplicationCircuit.connect(_.posts.postList){ model =>
<.div(model().map(post => PostItemC(PostItemC.Props(post))))
Then in your PostItemC
component you should implement the shouldComponentUpdate
method, so that posts that have not changed are not rendered again when the postList
changes. Something like,
shouldComponentUpdate(scope => ne
Finally make sure your component defines the key
property so that React will know how to connect the post components when they are updated. Otherwise you will get a runtime warning about not having key
in an array of components.
This way when the model changes (generating a new postList
) React will render the list again, but will skip rendering items that have not changed.
In contrast if you only connect
individual posts, then changes to the list itself (like adding or removing posts) do not trigger rendering.