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I'm writing a small program to shutdown a computer at a certain time. Somethings wrong though

My code is below. It was supposed to be a simple code to check for the time, and compare it to two different times where I want the child's computer off for the night. I have an extremely basic understanding of coding since I have not really done anything with coding that was very extreme. I thought I would give this a go, but I'm not entirely sure what I have done wrong in the code, I am able to go through the different steps until I reach the if statement where it is: if %yesno% EQU y (.... and anything after that, it says, for some reason that the if statement was not expected at this time and then closes the window straight away. I was able to get a very quick screen shot off. I based all of my code on multiple google searches on different parts of the code. If anyone can help out, that would be very useful.

(screenshot for reference)

@echo off

set /p start=[Shutdown time (The hour of shutdown, do not add minutes):]
set /p 1ampm=[am/pm:] 
set /p end=[Enter the time you want the computer to be available again for use(The hour of shutdown, do not add minutes):]
set /p 2ampm=[am/pm:]
echo Loading....
PING -n 1 -w 2000 >NUL

set /p yesno=[The time you selected the computer to remain off is from %start% - %end% , is this correct, y/n?]
goto :yn

if %yesno% EQU y (
    goto :1timecorrect
) if %yesno% EQU n (
    goto :questions
) else (
    goto :questions

if %1ampm% EQU am (
    goto :2timecorrect
) if %1ampm% EQU pm (
    set realstart=%start%+12
    goto :2timecorrect
) else (
    echo you did not enter whether or not the start time is am or pm
    goto :questions
if %2ampm% EQU am (
    goto :Begining
) if %2ampm% EQU pm (
    set realend=%end%+12 
    goto :Begining
) else (
    echo you did not enter whether or not the start time is am or pm
    goto :questions

set mytime=%time:~0,2%

if %mytime% GEQ %realstart% (
    echo time has expired, time to go to bed.
    shutdown -s -f -t 60 -c "Your computer is about to be shut down in 1 minute"  
) else (
    if %mytime% LEQ %realend% (
        echo time has expired, time to go to bed.
        shutdown -s -f -t 60 -c "Your computer is about to be shut down in 1 minute"
    ) else (
        echo This program is Opperating correctly
        PING -n 1 -w 600000 >NUL
        goto :Start


  • Since everything under if %mytime% GEQ ~start should only be run if mytime is higher than start, everything under that line should be in parentheses. Also, if your if statement has an else, the first closing parenthesis, else, and last opening parenthesis need to b on the same line.

    @echo off
    set start=11
    set end=19
    set mytime=%time:~0,2%
    if %mytime% GEQ %start% (
        if %mytime% LEQ %end% (
            shutdown -s -f -t 60 -c "Your computer is about to be shut down in 1 minute"
        ) else (  
            echo This program is Operating correctly
            sleep 1800
            goto :Start