My code is below. It was supposed to be a simple code to check for the time, and compare it to two different times where I want the child's computer off for the night. I have an extremely basic understanding of coding since I have not really done anything with coding that was very extreme. I thought I would give this a go, but I'm not entirely sure what I have done wrong in the code, I am able to go through the different steps until I reach the if statement where it is: if %yesno% EQU y (
.... and anything after that, it says, for some reason that the if statement was not expected at this time and then closes the window straight away. I was able to get a very quick screen shot off. I based all of my code on multiple google searches on different parts of the code. If anyone can help out, that would be very useful.
(screenshot for reference)
@echo off
set /p start=[Shutdown time (The hour of shutdown, do not add minutes):]
set /p 1ampm=[am/pm:]
set /p end=[Enter the time you want the computer to be available again for use(The hour of shutdown, do not add minutes):]
set /p 2ampm=[am/pm:]
echo Loading....
PING -n 1 -w 2000 >NUL
set /p yesno=[The time you selected the computer to remain off is from %start% - %end% , is this correct, y/n?]
goto :yn
if %yesno% EQU y (
goto :1timecorrect
) if %yesno% EQU n (
goto :questions
) else (
goto :questions
if %1ampm% EQU am (
goto :2timecorrect
) if %1ampm% EQU pm (
set realstart=%start%+12
goto :2timecorrect
) else (
echo you did not enter whether or not the start time is am or pm
goto :questions
if %2ampm% EQU am (
goto :Begining
) if %2ampm% EQU pm (
set realend=%end%+12
goto :Begining
) else (
echo you did not enter whether or not the start time is am or pm
goto :questions
set mytime=%time:~0,2%
if %mytime% GEQ %realstart% (
echo time has expired, time to go to bed.
shutdown -s -f -t 60 -c "Your computer is about to be shut down in 1 minute"
) else (
if %mytime% LEQ %realend% (
echo time has expired, time to go to bed.
shutdown -s -f -t 60 -c "Your computer is about to be shut down in 1 minute"
) else (
echo This program is Opperating correctly
PING -n 1 -w 600000 >NUL
goto :Start
Since everything under if %mytime% GEQ ~start
should only be run if mytime is higher than start, everything under that line should be in parentheses. Also, if your if
statement has an else
, the first closing parenthesis, else
, and last opening parenthesis need to b on the same line.
@echo off
set start=11
set end=19
set mytime=%time:~0,2%
if %mytime% GEQ %start% (
if %mytime% LEQ %end% (
shutdown -s -f -t 60 -c "Your computer is about to be shut down in 1 minute"
) else (
echo This program is Operating correctly
sleep 1800
goto :Start