I have a project in angular using formly forms http://angular-formly.com/#/ and want to add some end to end testing using Protractor.
I can't select an element by the model since the form fields are defined in code not in template and when they are rendered they get different ng-model and I don't want to add specific classes since I have pretty big forms.
Is there a way to do it and test the forms rendered by Formly ?
One option would be to find all formly input
elements, evaluate the model value and filter:
var formlyInputs = $$("input");
var desiredModel = "modelName";
var desiredInput = formlyInputs.filter(function (input) {
return input.evaluate("model[options.key]").then(function (model) {
return model === desiredModel;
desiredInput.sendKeys("some text");
You may need to extend that to support not only the input
elements, but other form elements a form might have.
Another solution would be to rely on the preceding label of an input:
var label = "Text";
var desiredInput = element(by.xpath("//label[normalize-space(.) = '" + label + "']/following-sibling::input"));
desiredInput.sendKeys("some text");