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Upload .csv to AzureSQL using terminal

I have a .csv that my R code updates daily. I want this .csv to be present in the azureSQL, thus I want to write a script which does this

I tired to do the same using R (ODBC) but this was too slow. I thought of using terminal for this because R can also do this using system().

I know something called BCP, but I can't figure out how to do this in Mac despite this link (

P.S: I have ODBC link from the Azure SQL


  • Here are follow-up posts to the one you pointed above which should help you connect from your Mac:

    ch1 <- odbcConnect(dsn="sqlserver01", uid="username", pwd="password")<br>
    odbcQuery(ch1, "select name from master..sysdatabases") <br>

    That said, if you could also please share your script I could help figure out why it is running slowly.