I am having troubles finding the answer for this question on web.
The project I am developing demands that I could save a recorded audio file, and, after that, transcribe the audio to text for finding interesting predefined keywords.
I am using the Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition framework, and it works fine when you are transcribing the speech during the recording process. I can't find, in the same framework, a function which I can use with an audio file as input.
Does anybody know a good approach for this problem? Or another [free] framework for Windows Apps?
For online recognition and in particular in JS projects you can use directly Microsoft Cognitive Services, that are behind online recognition in the SpeechRecognition in Windows. It is free under some limits.
In particular here is open sourced wrapped for JavaScript on GitHub:Oxford.Speech.JS. It can deal with both wav-files and microphone. Sample code is designed like a website, but I'm pretty sure you can easily convert it into a HTML/JS-based UWP app.