I have this query:
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('l')
->leftJoin('l.processedLeads', 'pl')
->where('pl.company <> :company')
->andWhere('pl.company IS NULL')
->setParameters(array('company' => $company))
But i need it formed like the following:
( SELECT * FROM processed_leads WHERE lead = :lead AND company = :company)
Can i do a sub-select in a join where 2 parameters of the join (lead_id and company) do not exist?
As in, only select the leads that do not exist in processedLeads with the specific company?
I'm not familiar with the QueryBuilder, but I would recommend something like this in DQL:
$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT l FROM Project\model\leads l WHERE l NOT IN
(SELECT p.lead FROM Project\model\processed_leads p WHERE p.lead = ? AND company = ?)')
->setParameters(array($lead, $company))
Hopefully, this helps you. I would use the NOT IN
statement. In case the sub query returns a null value, there is just no lead in the processed_leads for this company and you'll get all leads - which should be ok in this case.