I need to get the value that is between !03 and !03.
I should get following string in return: 20151104
NOTE: The string isn't always 22 characters long, but I am only concerned with the value that is between !03 and !03.
This is what I have so far. I couldn't make any progress further than this:
CHARINDEX('!', RegStatsID) + 3,
From TableX
Great that you found a solution!
This might be better:
By replacing the "!03" with XML-tags you can easily pick the second "node". Your string will be transformed into <x>JDC</x><x>20151104</x><x>OUT</x>
DECLARE @test VARCHAR(100)='JDC!0320151104!03OUT';
SELECT CAST('<x>' + REPLACE(@test,'!03','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML).value('/x[2]','datetime')
One advantage was to get the value between the two "!03" typed. In this case you get a "real" datetime back without any further casts. If the value there is not a datetime (or date) in all cases, you just use nvarchar(max)
as type.
Another advantage was: If you - why ever - need the other values later, you just have them with .value('/x[1 or 3]'...)