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ASP.NET ChangePassword userId = null

So, I'm trying to change user password using default ASP.NET methond, but just don't work, somehow I'm not able to get the current user data. I tried different approaches to get userId and still nothing. And I didn't change a thing except for the [AllowAnonymous], because there was a error saying permission denied when I tried to call the method.

enter image description here

// POST api/Account/ChangePassword
    public async Task<IHttpActionResult> ChangePassword(ChangePasswordBindingModel model)
        if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            return BadRequest(ModelState);

        IdentityResult result = await UserManager.ChangePasswordAsync(User.Identity.GetUserId(), model.OldPassword,

        if (!result.Succeeded)
            return GetErrorResult(result);

        return Ok();


  • So, I found the answer... I forgot to put this on the request:

    authorization: bearer my_token