I need to send email report from c# code. This email contain graphic like the image. is there any way to make that in c#? dygraph graphic must be included in the email
You can use the MailMessage class to construct the email, and the SmtpClient class to send the message. You'll need to set up the SmtpClient appropriately*.
In order to embed an image, you need to set the email to be HTML, and include an alternate view with the embedded image:
var mail = new MailMessage();
mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
var inline = new LinkedResource(@"C:\path\to\your\image.png");
inline.ContentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var htmlBody = @"<img src='cid:" + inline.ContentId + @"'/>"; // Include whatever other content in the html body here.
var alternateView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(htmlBody, null, MediaTypeNames.Text.Html);
Then set the to/from/subject fields and use the SmtpClient.Send Method (or SendAsync) to send the email.
*From the MSDN docs:
To construct and send an e-mail message by using SmtpClient, you must specify the following information:
The SMTP host server that you use to send e-mail. See the Host and Port properties.
Credentials for authentication, if required by the SMTP server. See the Credentials property.
The e-mail address of the sender. See the Send and SendAsync methods that take a from parameter. Also see the MailMessage.From property.
The e-mail address or addresses of the recipients. See the Send and SendAsync methods that take a recipient parameter. Also see the MailMessage.To property.
The message content. See the Send and SendAsync methods that take a body parameter. Also see the MailMessage.Body property.