I'm writing an angular2 application using typescript with angular 2 rc.1
I'm guessing that the angular 2 documents are not updated yet.
the ComponentInstruction Interface and CanActivate decorator are no longer available in angular2-rc.1. what is there instead ?
I have the following class that I need to upgrade to the latest angular version.
class RequireUserAnnotation extends CanActivate {
constructor() {
canProceed(prev: ComponentInstruction,
next: ComponentInstruction) {
return !!Meteor.user();
the new @angular/router package now has CanDeactivate and OnActivate. which confuses me a bit.
I guess that
is not updated also because it says that: The routerCanDeactivate hook is called with two ComponentInstructions as parameters
, and ComponentInstruction is not defined anymore.
I don't want to use the angular/@router-deprecated
package. i wanna fix this! please! :)
any information regarding the issue would be greatly appreciated.
This has yet to be implemented. See https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/4015#issuecomment-217678683
Did anyone attend Brandon's workshop (https://www.ng-conf.org/#/sessions/bdogg64FD) yesterday? It was scheduled to discuss "resolving data before loading routes", and appears to have been using the new-new router (with CanActivate moved/relocated).
I attended :smile: I didn't cover resolving data before loading routes because that mechanism doesn't exist in the new router yet.
Maybe also https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/7784#issuecomment-217912079