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Ambiguous use of 'subscript' on device

I have my app finish on my emulator, but when I try to use on my phone, I had 2 bugs Ambiguous use of 'subscript'

I was reading this post, but can't fix it. How to solve Ambiguous use of 'subscript' in Swift 2?

enter image description here

The problem is here

        let favs = rescataRegistrosFav()

        if(arrayCompleta[row][2] == ""){
            cell.imagenMovil.image = nil
            cell.imagenMovil.image = UIImage(named: "mov.png")

        if(favs.count > 0){

            for i in 0...favs.count-1
                for j in 0...favs[i].count-1

                    print("MUESTRO.....\(favs[i][j] as! String)")   //Ambiguous use of 'subscript'

                    if(favs[i][j] as! String == cell.getNombreCelda()){  ////Ambiguous use of 'subscript'
                        cell.botonFav.setImage(UIImage(named: imagenFav[1])!, forState: .Normal)

                        return cell



In my restacaRegistrosFavs I cast like other post, but nothing.

func rescataRegistrosFav() -> NSArray{


    var array = [[String]]()

    if((NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().arrayForKey("MIARRAYFAV")) != nil){
       return NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().arrayForKey("MIARRAYFAV")! as! [[String]]

    return array

How can I solve this? Thanks!


  • An NSArray is effectively an Array<AnyObject> so there are probably a few types that conform to AnyObject that also implement a subscript function. Instead of declaring rescataRegistrosFav as returning an NSArray try being more specific and declaring it like:

    func rescataRegistrosFav() -> [[String]]