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Mock HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name

I'm currently writing unit test for my project where I'm using HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name at a defined time. Unfortunately, I can't make the test work since HttpContext is null when I run the test.

I already tried some solution I found on internet like Thread.CurrentPrincipal = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity("rmllcc"), new string[0]); but I can't get it work.

I'm using a Forms Authenticate system, xUnit with Moq. I'm not testing a controller but a Repository where I'm just logguing each time a user make use of a particular method. How could I accomplish this?


  • Listen to what your tests are telling you: use the fact that this test is hard to write to think about the structure of your code. You have introduced a dependency in your repository layer to the web application. That's not good. You also have two things going on in your repository: data access and logging.

    Maybe wrap the current user in an abstraction that will get the user you need, but can be easily stubbed. Or you could wrap the repository in a decorator that does the logging for you.

    Sorry this is not a direct answer to the question but, when tests are hard to write, there is usually a deeper underlying reason that you need to address.