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PDFBox 2.0: Overcoming dictionary key encoding

I am extracting text from PDF forms with Apache PDFBox 2.0.1, extracting the details of AcroForm fields. From a radio button field I dig up the appearance dictionary. I'm interested in the /N and /D entries (normal and "down" appearance). Like this (interactive Bean shell):

field = form.getField(fieldName);
widgets = field.getWidgets();
print("Field Name: " + field.getPartialName() + " (" + widgets.size() + ")");
for (annot : widgets) {
  ap = annot.getAppearance();
  keys = ap.getCOSObject().getDictionaryObject("N").keySet();
  keyList = new ArrayList(keys.size());
  for (cosKey : keys) {keyList.add(cosKey.getName());}
  print(String.join("|", keyList));

The output is

Field Name: Krematorier (6)
Off|St Botvid

The question mark blotches should be Swedish characters "ä" or "å". Using iText RUPS I can see that the dictionary keys are encoded with ISO-8859-1 while PDFBox assumes they are Unicode, I guess.

Is there any way of decoding the keys using ISO-8859-1? Or any other way to retrieve the keys correctly?

This sample PDF form can be downloaded here:


  • Using iText RUPS I can see that the dictionary keys are encoded with ISO-8859-1 while PDFBox assumes they are Unicode, I guess.

    Is there any way of decoding the keys using ISO-8859-1? Or any other way to retrieve the keys correctly?

    Changing the assumed encoding

    PDFBox' interpretation of the encoding of bytes in names (only names can be used as dictionary keys in PDFs) takes place in BaseParser.parseCOSName() when reading the name from the source PDF:

     * This will parse a PDF name from the stream.
     * @return The parsed PDF name.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the stream.
    protected COSName parseCOSName() throws IOException
        ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        int c =;
        while (c != -1)
            int ch = c;
            if (ch == '#')
                int ch1 =;
                int ch2 =;
                if (isHexDigit((char)ch1) && isHexDigit((char)ch2))
                    String hex = "" + (char)ch1 + (char)ch2;
                        buffer.write(Integer.parseInt(hex, 16));
                    catch (NumberFormatException e)
                        throw new IOException("Error: expected hex digit, actual='" + hex + "'", e);
                    c =;
                    // check for premature EOF
                    if (ch2 == -1 || ch1 == -1)
                        LOG.error("Premature EOF in BaseParser#parseCOSName");
                        c = -1;
                    c = ch1;
            else if (isEndOfName(ch))
                c =;
        if (c != -1)
        String string = new String(buffer.toByteArray(), Charsets.UTF_8);
        return COSName.getPDFName(string);

    As you can see, after reading the name bytes and interpreting the # escape sequences, PDFBox unconditionally interprets the resulting bytes as UTF-8 encoded. To change this, therefore, you have to patch this PDFBox class and replace the charset named at the bottom.

    Is PDFBox correct here?

    According to the specification, when treating a name object as text

    the sequence of bytes (after expansion of NUMBER SIGN sequences, if any) should be interpreted according to UTF-8, a variable-length byte-encoded representation of Unicode in which the printable ASCII characters have the same representations as in ASCII.

    (section 7.3.5 Name Objects, ISO 32000-1)

    BaseParser.parseCOSName() implements just that.

    PDFBox' implementation is not completely correct, though, as already the act of interpreting the name as string without need is wrong:

    name objects shall be treated as atomic within a PDF file. Ordinarily, the bytes making up the name are never treated as text to be presented to a human user or to an application external to a conforming reader. However, occasionally the need arises to treat a name object as text

    Thus, PDF libraries should handle names as byte arrays as long as possible and only find a string representation when it is explicitly required, and only then the recommendation above (to assume UTF-8) should play a role. The specification even indicates where this may cause trouble:

    PDF does not prescribe what UTF-8 sequence to choose for representing any given piece of externally specified text as a name object. In some cases, multiple UTF-8 sequences may represent the same logical text. Name objects defined by different sequences of bytes constitute distinct name objects in PDF, even though the UTF-8 sequences may have identical external interpretations.

    Another situation becomes apparent in the document at hand, if the sequence of bytes constitutes no valid UTF-8, it still is a valid name. But such names are changed by the method above, any unparsable byte or subsequence is replaced by the Unicode Replacement Character '�'. Thus, different names may collapse into a single one.

    Another issue is that when writing back a PDF, PDFBox is not acting symmetrically but instead interprets the String representation of the name (which has been retrieved as a UTF-8 interpretation if read from a PDF) using pure US_ASCII, cf. COSName.writePDF(OutputStream):

    public void writePDF(OutputStream output) throws IOException
        byte[] bytes = getName().getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII);
        for (byte b : bytes)
            int current = (b + 256) % 256;
            // be more restrictive than the PDF spec, "Name Objects", see PDFBOX-2073
            if (current >= 'A' && current <= 'Z' ||
                    current >= 'a' && current <= 'z' ||
                    current >= '0' && current <= '9' ||
                    current == '+' ||
                    current == '-' ||
                    current == '_' ||
                    current == '@' ||
                    current == '*' ||
                    current == '$' ||
                    current == ';' ||
                    current == '.')
                output.write(String.format("%02X", current).getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII));

    Thus, any interesting Unicode character is replaced with the US_ASCII default replacement character which I assume to be '?'.

    So it is quite fortunate that PDF names most often do merely contain ASCII characters... ;)


    According to the implementation notes from the PDF 1.4 reference,

    In Acrobat 4.0 and earlier versions, a name object being treated as text will typically be interpreted in a host platform encoding, which depends on the operating system and the local language. For Asian languages, this encoding may be something like Shift-JIS or Big Five. Consequently, it will be necessary to distinguish between names encoded this way and ones encoded as UTF-8. Fortunately, UTF-8 encoding is very stylized and its use can usually be recognized. A name that is found not to conform to UTF-8 encoding rules can instead be interpreted according to host platform encoding.

    Thus, the sample document at hand seems to follow conventions from Acrobat 4, i.e. from the last century.

    Source code excerpts are from PDFBox 2.0.0 but at first glance do not seem to have been changed in 2.0.1 or the development trunk.