I have this below line in a batch script in my Jenkins build job, which downloads a specific artifact from nexus server.
call mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.4:get -DrepoUrl= -Dartifact=test:update-service:1.0.3 -Ddest=Setups/Services/update-service.jar
Here I have hardcoded the latest version available at Nexus. Is it possible to get the latest version available at nexus using a jenkins variable? If so how? Please advice.
use "LATEST" for latest snapshot version or "RELEASE" for latest release version. In your case
call mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.4:get -DrepoUrl= -Dartifact=test:update-service:RELEASE -Ddest=Setups/Services/update-service.jar
so you don't need a jenkins variable to inject a variable.
since you are using jenkins, my advice is to use the "Artifact Resolver"
hope this helps.