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How to customize the name of purchase order in Odoo 8?

I wanna customize the name of purchase order like yyyymmdd_n. yymmdd is the date of the purchase order created, and n is the sequence number from 1 the order created on that day. However, the default value of n depends on the total count. I searched for the purchase order's creation in and made some logging in some possible functions such as create_po, create_procurement_purchase_order. But when a new purchase order was created, none of them were called based on the logging details.

Is there someone who can give me a hand?

The method create in class purchase_order defines:

order = super(purchase_order, self).create(cr, uid, vals,context=context) 

I am looking for the code for `super(...).create(...)

Update on 2016/5/11: I found a simple way from this


  • I guess you need to create a sequence per each month (if not present, auto-create it) and use the right one on create.

    By default in the create method it does this

    vals['name'] = self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('purchase.order')

    so, you must intercept that and do your stuff, then you call the base model, something like:

    super(model.Model, self).create([...])
