It is pretty simple question but I cannot find best simple solution. I'm trying to render excel where tables will be next to each other in this format:
| | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
| 1 | TITLE |
| 2 | IN | OUT | NETTO | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT |
| 3 | value | value | value | value | value | value | value |
To render title I begin from cell B1 to cell H1 so my first attempt was this:
$column = 'B'; // default column number
foreach ($data as $tables) {
$r = 1; // row number
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue($column . $r . ':' . $column + 6 . $r, $connector_name);
// then row with header r++
// then row with values
// other table starting in cell I1
In each table I start in row 1 and I need to move horizontaly so that is why I need to move to others columns by incrementing. The problem is in cell with title where I need cells B1:H1. B1 is simple but then I don't know how to increment column by 6 to get letter H - $column + 6
doesn't work. Have any idea how to do it with simple solution?
functions ord and chr will help you
echo chr(ord($column)+6); // H
Note this will work till the Letter // Z only..