I'm a front-end developer transitioning from CSS to SASS. I've got Ruby and Compass installed on my local machine, and Compass "watch" is working beautifully.
However, I still end up with local CSS files which I have to manually FTP over to the server after every tiny change, to see what the change made. I would like to automate this.
I did find this thread which suggested using rsync, but I use Windows and I feel setting up rsync would be really difficult.
Is there some way to automate this using Ruby? The workflow I'm trying to get:
I can do everything, except for step 3. Any ideas? (That don't involve Linux or Mac-only software?)
Since the question was asked in 2011 Compass has evolved and now provides callback functions to do exactly what was asked in the question:
For Step 3 you can use on_stylesheet_saved
and on_sourcemap_saved callback functions to upload your *.css and *.css.map files to the production server.
Sample code how to do this can be found in this StackOverflow answer