I have a self-recursive type:
trait Problem[P <: Problem[P]] {
type Solution
Now, I want to pattern match on P#Solution
. Let's assume we're within the case class Foo[P <: Problem[P]]()
case ExampleCaseClass(s: P#Solution) if conditionApplies() =>
// do sth
case ExampleCaseClass(s: P#Solution) =>
// now sth else
Of course it fails due to type erasure. Is there any way to make that code compile in scala?
I've seen class/type tags but I'm not really sure if they can be use in such case.
You can indeed use type tags, but you need a concrete type to obtain the type tag from. You could add the solution type as type parameter:
case class Foo[P <: Problem[P], S <: P#Solution:TypeTag]() {
def doSomething[T:TypeTag](c: ExampleCaseClass[T]) = c match {
case ExampleCaseClass(s) if typeOf[T] =:= typeOf[S] => "x"
case ExampleCaseClass(s) => "y"
If you want a subtype match, use <:<
instead of =:=