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MySQL sorting with Using temporary; Using filesort

Here is the query I'm trying to launch:

SELECT c.creative_id, c.creative_title, c.creative_image_name, c.gravity, c.ad_strength
FROM creatives AS c
INNER JOIN term_relationships AS tr ON c.creative_id = tr.creative_id
WHERE tr.term_id
IN ( 14, 1, 50, 76, 104 )
GROUP BY c.creative_id
HAVING COUNT(tr.term_id ) =5
ORDER BY c.gravity ASC 

Here is what EXPLAIN for this query outputs:

enter image description here

Here is the creatives table structure:

CREATE TABLE `creatives` (
  `creative_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `scraper_id` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `creative_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `creative_image_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `image_attrib` varchar(12) DEFAULT NULL,
  `original_image_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `creative_subtext` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `dest_url` varchar(2083) NOT NULL,
  `lp_url` varchar(2083) NOT NULL,
  `lp_image_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `lp_image_flag` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `creative_first_seen` date NOT NULL,
  `creative_last_seen` date NOT NULL,
  `daily_ad_count` int(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `ad_strength` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `prev_ad_strength` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `gravity` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`creative_id`),
  KEY `gravity` (`gravity`)

I'm concerned about Using temporary; using filesort when launching both with GROUP BY and ORDER BY on another column. If I remove ORDER BY, the temporary and filesort go away and the query runs really fast.

What I don't understand, why mysql needs temporary table, why can't it first where filter + sort by c.gravity, then group by the resulting table and filter according to HAVING clause. The filtered table will be sorted by c.gravity correctly as the gravity value remains unchanged after the grouping and having filter.

What I tried:

  1. Selected everything without ORDER BY, wrapped into a subquery and joined again on creatives table - same result, using temporary, filesort and slow

  2. tried to add FORCE USE INDEX FOR ORDER BY (gravity) and it doesn't change anything. EXPLAIN and execution time remain the same.

UPDATE: the question has been answered by @Rick and it's really much faster with his correlated subquery and not using GROUP BY. I'm adding here an EXPLAIN output for the query:

enter image description here

And the output of SHOW CREATE TABLE term_relationships with the newly created index:

enter image description here

And one more question to @Rick: why do we need the outer query with c3? It seems just to join creatives on its own one more just to get the values from other columns and order the records by gravity. However, they are already sorted with the inner query and we can easily add missing columns in c1 making it:

SELECT  c1.creative_id,c1.creative_title,c1.creative_image_name,c1.gravity, c1.ad_strength
            FROM  creatives AS c1
              ( SELECT  COUNT(*)
                    FROM  term_relationships
                    WHERE  c1.creative_id = creative_id
                      AND  term_id IN ( 14, 1, 50, 76, 104 )
              ) = 5 
            ORDER BY  c1.gravity ASC
            LIMIT  30;

Is my understanding correct or am I missing something in your query?


  • Temp table and filesort are not the villains, per se. It's how bulky they are.

    This may look more complex, but it may be faster:

    SELECT  c3.creative_id,
            c3.creative_title, c3.creative_image_name,
            c3.gravity, c3.ad_strength
          ( SELECT  creative_id
                FROM  creatives AS c1
                  ( SELECT  COUNT(*)
                        FROM  term_relationships
                        WHERE  c1.creative_id = creative_id
                          AND  term_id IN ( 14, 1, 50, 76, 104 )
                  ) = 5 
                ORDER BY  c1.gravity ASC
                LIMIT  30
          ) AS c2
        JOIN  creatives c3 USING (creative_id)
        ORDER BY  c3.gravity 

    If it happens to use INDEX(gravity) for the inner query, then it will stop after finding 30 rows that have all 5 transactions. If it generates a tmp table, it will be only 30 rows -- much better than with your original query. Note also, that the tmp table will be narrower -- only creative_id will be in it. Finally it reaches back into creatives to get the rest of the desired columns. Finally, there will be another sort, but with only 30 rows.

    Furthermore, "filesort" is often a very fast sort in RAM, not really a "file" sort. I'm pretty sure my query will not be on disk.

    term_relationships needs this composite index: INDEX(creative_id, term_id).