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Importing 10-year history of company financials

Loading financial data like income statements and balance sheets is possible usingquantmod package:

viewFinancials(GOOG.f, type='BS', period='A')

The data is pulled from Google Finance and does not go beyond 2012.

Is there a meaningful way in R for loading 10-year history instead of 5-year?


It looks like MorningStar provides 10-year data on some of the key ratios for free. For example, in case of Google, the direct link to the csv would be

How would I be able to lead it in R using read.csv() function, and without hardcoding the stock name into the link? The code below is not correct but I suppose something of this sort:


Any suggestions?


  • This will get you 10 years worth of data, where it exists.

    stocks <- c("AXP", "BA", "CAT", "CSCO")
    for (s in stocks) {
        names(urls) <- sprintf("", stocks)
        lst <- lapply(urls, read.csv, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, skip = 2)
        lst1 <- lapply(lst, `[`, -12)
        write.csv(lst1, file = "C:/Users/your_path/Desktop/files/data.csv", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, na = "")