I would like to create an expression tree for a query expression that looks something like this: employee => employee.Salary.StartsWith("28")
So that the sql could appear as: where (employee.salary like '28%')
The problem is that the property Salary of the employee object is a decimal and StartsWith is not a property of a decimal. How can i get around to do this.
My erroneous expression tree syntax is as follows:
var searchTextExp = Expression.Constant("28");
var parameterExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(EmployeeEntity), "employee");
var propertyExp = Expression.Property(parameterExp, "Salary");
var startsWithExp = Expression.Call(propertyExp, "StartsWith", null,
Expression<Func<EmployeeEntity, bool>> searchExpr =
Expression.Lambda<Func<EmployeeEntity, bool>>
(startsWithExp, new ParameterExpression[] { parameterExp });
I have managed to solve this using Function Mappings which is a feature of LLBLGEN Pro.
public class Functions
public static bool Like(string field, string value)
return true;
public static bool Like(decimal field, string value)
return true;
public class FunctionMappings : FunctionMappingStore
public FunctionMappings()
: base()
FunctionMapping mapping = new FunctionMapping(
"{0} LIKE {1}");
I then attached an instance of FunctionMappings to the LINQ Metadata:
metadata.Mappings = new FunctionMappings();
Then used the Function as follows:
employee => Functions.Like(employee.Salary,"28")