I would like to use Javascript to retrieve thumbnail URLs from Brightcove-hosted videos.
I can't see a way to do that without exposing my Media API token to the client browser. (The with-token method is documented here.)
I don't need a token to show the whole video, so it seems insane and unnecessary that I need a token to get the thumbnail url, which obviously I would want to show to the user anyway.
The only workaround I can devise is to create a middleman interface on the server. (The client JS makes a request to my server, which uses the token to request the thumbnail from BC, then returns it back to the JS.) That's just annoying.
Am I missing something? Is there an alternate way to retrieve video thumbnails in the client without exposing the Media API key?
According to Brightcove's support, they tell me that the answer is "NO".
They do recommend a server-side relay, which is what I ended up writing, and it works fine.
Disappointing, though.