I am trying to use Rails 5.0.0.rc1 with Ruby 2.3.1. However, if I try to create a new project within my "programming" directory, I get this:
➜ ~/Documents/Programming rails new foo
Could not find proper version of railties ( in any of the sources
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
If I do a gem list, the only rails version I have installed in 5.0.0.rc1. What is interesting is I get the same error when I do rails -v, but do not when I do it from my home directory:
➜ ~ rails -v
Rails 5.0.0.rc1
➜ ~ cd Documents/Programming
➜ ~/Documents/Programming rails -v
Could not find proper version of railties ( in any of the sources
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling both rails and railties with the same result. I am using rvm and had to do
gem install nokogiri -- --use-system-libraries
to install nokogiri.
Run gem update rails first, then bundle update