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Load a remote image in a MenuItem using Glide

Usually if I want to load an image with Glide I would write the following:


but what if I need to load the image of that URL into a MenuItem that has to be changed in real time?

The following is not possible because the method into does not accept the parameter:

public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    MenuItem settingsItem = menu.findItem(;
    if (changeImage) {
    return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);


  • Using the approach suggested in the responses for this question worked

    public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        MenuItem settingsItem = menu.findItem(;
        if (changeImage) {
             Glide.with(this).asBitmap().load(theURLOfTheImage).into(new SimpleTarget<Bitmap>(100,100) {
                public void onResourceReady(Bitmap resource, GlideAnimation glideAnimation) {
                    settingsItem.setIcon(new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), resource));
        return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);