Hi I'm trying to setup a git-repo with two upstreams.
upstream-jointswp: (https://github.com/JeremyEnglert/JointsWP/)
upstream-woocommerce: (https://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce)
When I use git-subtree. How do I checkout the stuff at /templates from my upstream to /woocommerce in my repo?
If my question isn't as straigth forward as I hope, plz give me a sign ;)
You should combine the split
and add
So, you clone the project you want part of and then create a branch in it which will contain the templates/
. I.e.
git subtree --prefix=templates/ split -b templates_only
Then you could use the branch from another repo:
git subtree --prefix=woocommerce/ add ../woocommerce_clone/.git templates_only