I would like to do Mysql to Mysql replication using drs. Is it possible to do the same without storing data in db4o? I just want to use drs replication using Hibernate. Any positive/negative experience with drs?
it works.
just use the #begin() call that takes 2 org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration as arguments in here: https://source.db4o.com/db4o/trunk/drs/src/core/com/db4o/drs/hibernate/HibernateReplication.java
it will create a replication ReplicationSession which you can use to replicate data.
for example:
Configuration first = new Configuration().configure("first.cfg.xml");
Configuration second = new Configuration().configure("second.cfg.xml");
ReplicationSession replication = HibernateReplication.begin(first, second);
ObjectSet changed = replication.providerA().objectsChangedSinceLastReplication();
while (changed.hasNext())