In VisualStudio 2012, creating a WPF solution, attempting to run stylecop on entire solution, the output reads
------ StyleCop 4.7 (build started ------
Pass 1: testProject - \App.xaml.cs
Pass 1: testProject - \Modules\Administration\Models\DocumentClass.cs
Pass 1: testProject - \Modules\Administration\Models\DocumentType.cs
Pass 1: testProject - \Modules\Administration\Models\LetterGroup.cs
Pass 1: testProject - \Modules\Administration\Models\LetterType.cs
------ StyleCop cancelled ------
Why do I get this message? Did the process complete? where do I find the results?
Take a look at the "Error List" tab. I'm pretty sure you'll find that there are 1000 warnings. If that number is reached, StyleCop stops. And I'm not aware that you can change that number.
Fix the style violations or disable the rules you don't want/need to get below 1000. Then StyleCop will run to the end.