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Android Developer Console How to send a HTTP Request?

I have a little app with a leaderboard and i want to hide players with fake scores. I read about it at

The Problem is, that i have no idea from http Requests and that things. So how do i send a HTTP Request? Is there a Terminal or something in the Developer Console from Google, where i put my command in? Or what do i need to do, to send an Request like this?


  • I recommend that you use Volley

    Add Volley to your project through Gradle

    compile ''

    Add the android.permission.INTERNET permission to your app's manifest.

    The code is taken from 1

     // Instantiate the RequestQueue.
     RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);
     String url =""; //set your web call here
     // Request a string response from the provided URL.
     StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.GET, url,
            new Response.Listener<String>() {
        public void onResponse(String response) {
           //handle success 
           }, new Response.ErrorListener() {
        public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
           //handle error
    // Add the request to the RequestQueue.