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C++ Why does error "no matching function" appear when it 100% looks like they match?

I don't understand why I'm getting an error that states my function doesn't match my defined template function. To me, they look exactly the same. Here is the error in my debug:

error: no matching function for call to 'mergesort' newVec = mergesort(vec.begin(),vec.end());

So I can learn and write better generic functions and templates, what do I need to change to make that error go away? (Just to be clear, I'm not asking for help with my mergesort algorithm - I know it has problems, but I'll work them out.)

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
vector<T> mergesort(typename vector<T>::iterator, typename vector<T>::iterator);

int main() {
    vector<int> vec{ 50, 5, 40, 10, 30, 15, 20, 20, 10, 25 };
    vector<int> newVec;

    newVec = mergesort(vec.begin(),vec.end()); //Doesn't match???

    cout << "before:";
    for (auto x : vec) cout << x << ' '; cout << '\n';
    cout << "after :";
    for (auto x : newVec) cout << x << ' '; cout << '\n';
    return 0;

template <typename T>
vector<T> mergesort(typename vector<T>::iterator begin, typename vector<T>::iterator end){
    vector<T> newVector;
    copy(begin, end, newVector);

        vector<T> tmp1;
        vector<T> tmp2;

        auto dist = distance(newVector.begin(),newVector.end());
        auto distance1 = dist/2;
        auto distance2 = (dist/2+1);

        auto mid1 = newVector.begin();
        auto mid2 = newVector.begin();


        tmp1 = mergesort(newVector.begin(), mid1);
        tmp2 = mergesort(mid2, newVector.end());

        merge(tmp1.begin(), mid1, mid2, tmp2.end(), newVector.begin());

        return newVector;
    } else {
        return newVector;


  • The problem is that this is a non-deduced context:

    template <typename T>
    vector<T> mergesort(typename vector<T>::iterator, typename vector<T>::iterator);
                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    There are two good answers for why this function call fails to compile.

    As to how to fix it - even if the above code did work, there's no reason to limit your functionality to vector iterators anyway. You can merge-sort other containers too. So just deduce any iterator:

    template <typename Iterator>
    vector<T> mergesort(Iterator, Iterator);

    Moreover, typically we'd typically expect the merge to be modifying the range provided, not returning a new container. So really prefer:

    template <typename Iterator>
    void mergesort(Iterator, Iterator);

    There's a few other issues in your code. The call to std::merge() here:

    merge(tmp1.begin(), mid1, mid2, tmp2.end(), newVector.begin());

    newVector is empty before this call, so we're just going to overwrite memory that it doesn't own. You'll want to do:

    merge(tmp1.begin(), mid1, mid2, tmp2.end(), std::back_inserter(newVector));