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Is there a way to call quick parts from Fluent UI xml?

I would like to be able to create a custom UI in Word 2007/2010 to call quick parts/auto-texts from the custom ribbon.

I can call macros and other coded things fine, but is there a way to integrate quickparts in a custom ribbon?


  • Yes, you have to integrate one of the built-in CustomGallery controls (or another built-in gallery) into the ribbon:

    <mso:cmd app="Word" dt="1" />
    <mso:customUI xmlns:mso="">
                <mso:tab id="myCustomTab" label="My Custom Tab" insertBeforeQ="mso:TabInsert">
                    <mso:group id="myCustomGroup" label="My QuickParts" autoScale="true">
                        <mso:gallery idQ="mso:CustomGallery1" showInRibbon="false" visible="true"/>