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Can Oracle Coherence run embedded in application server process like Hazelcast?

We're considering using Coherence to replace Hazelcast. Now we run Hazelcast in embedded mode, inside our application server process. I wonder if Coherence can also run like this? I couldn't find document confirming this.


  • There are 3 popular ways to deploy Coherence with an application server:

    1) Client/server - using the Coherence*Extend protocol, or using the HTTP / REST protocol. This allows an application server to be operated independently of the Coherence cluster, and is simpler and safer as a result, but can have slightly higher latency as a result.

    2) In cluster, but using separate dedicated cache servers - this is called "storage disabled" in which the application server doesn't use any memory for managing the Coherence data, and instead separate processes are running in the cluster just to manage that data.

    3) In process (i.e. embedded into the application or into the server) - this is the original Coherence deployment model, but has grown less popular due to the other models.