I have written a method that accepts a TextWriter
as an argument (Usually Console.Out, but not necessarily).
When I call this method, some progress info is written to the TextWriter. However, since this method can run a long time, I want to update my UI with some status information.
Currently, I am using a StringWriter
but it does not have any events. So the first time I get a result from the StringWriter
is after the method completed.
Now I am searching for a class that inherits from TextWriter
and fires an TextChanged event or something like that.
I know that this shouldn't be to hard to implement, but I bet the CLR Team already did it for me, I just can't find the appropriate class.
If anyone is interested, this is a class that extends the StringWriter()
class to fire events after every call to writer.Flush()
I also added the posibillity to automatically call Flush()
after every write, since, in my case, a third party component, that did write to the console, didn't do a flush.
Sample usage:
void DoIt()
var writer = new StringWriterExt(true); // true = AutoFlush
writer.Flushed += new StringWriterExt.FlushedEventHandler(writer_Flushed);
TextWriter stdout = Console.Out;
Now I can display some status information just in time and don't need to wait for the method to finish.
void writer_Flushed(object sender, EventArgs args)
And here is the class:
public class StringWriterExt : StringWriter
public delegate void FlushedEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs args);
public event FlushedEventHandler Flushed;
public virtual bool AutoFlush { get; set; }
public StringWriterExt()
: base() { }
public StringWriterExt(bool autoFlush)
: base() { this.AutoFlush = autoFlush; }
protected void OnFlush()
var eh = Flushed;
if (eh != null)
eh(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public override void Flush()
public override void Write(char value)
if (AutoFlush) Flush();
public override void Write(string value)
if (AutoFlush) Flush();
public override void Write(char[] buffer, int index, int count)
base.Write(buffer, index, count);
if (AutoFlush) Flush();