I have threads that displays of data by looping on a certain interval by using Thread.Sleep.
public class myThread{
public void threadPBAPI()
for (int i = 0; i < _PBAPI.Length; i++)
Thread.Sleep(_interval * 1000);
catch (NullReferenceException)
I want to abort stop this activity because, when i press a button a new set of data will load and want to perform this same activity from the start.
I tried doing Thread.Abort(); on a button Click event. but it did not throw the ThreadAbortException.
on doing Thread.Join(); after Thread.Abort(); it throws the ThreadStateException "Thread Has not been started" when the thread is doing the actions its supposed to be doing.
this worked for me:
set a global boolean flag -
isThreadAbort = false.
When its true, you can use
i = _PBAPI.Length