I am trying flyway for first time, evaluating how it will fit into our project. Trying to understand how a Failed Scenario will work
Naturally, what i did next was, modified the sql script, and re tried running, but got checksum error
Have three Ques here
In that situation I think you should use "flyway repair" rather the "flyway migrate"
One thing from your post that is not clear is was the script you ran a single DDL statement or a number of statements, of which one or more failed?. The reason for asking is that flyway records the results of a migration, but does not itself clean up 'script errors'. Depending on the database you are using this could be done by running the DDL statements within a transaction.
Liquibased operates with a much tighter connection to the database as it directly interacts with the DDL that can be expressed in a range of different formats. As such it has a much tighter control over the management of DDL deployment.