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Is it possible to copy files from local windows directory to remote linux directory?

I am using ssh on a remote linux machine from my desktop using putty. I want to copy a txt file which is in the desktop of my local windows machine to the remote linux directory. How can i do that using shell when i am logged in to remote machine using ssh? Thanks for the help!


  • Yes it can be possible, but you need additional software for that. Both Putty or Git bash will work. Since I use git as VCS, I also use it to send files from my Window 7 laptop to remote AWS Linux machine.

    Example login:

    ssh -i key.pem user-name@public-dns **or** ip-address

    To send a file from Window to remote (like AWS ec2):

    scp -i key.pem file.txt user-name@public-dns:~/

    To send a directory from Window to remote:

    scp -i key.pem -r directory_name user-name@public-dns:~/

    To receive a file from remote to Window:

    scp -i key.pem user-name@public-dns:/file-address/file.txt any_name.txt

    To recieve a directory from remote to Window:

    scp -i key.pem -r user-name@public-dns:/directory-address/directory any_name