I'm using flask in a first project. What method do I need to add a link to the admin section from a main page in the site?
The default URL route is /admin. You can get also get the default route using url_for('admin.index')
Note that it's possible to have more that one flask-admin instance per Flask application. See self-contained snippet below that illustrates this.
from flask import Flask, url_for, render_template_string
from flask_admin import Admin
app = Flask(__name__)
default_admin = Admin()
admin_1 = Admin(endpoint="another", url="/another")
admin_2 = Admin(endpoint="this_is_a_long_endpoint", url="/this_is_a_long_url")
admin_3 = Admin(endpoint="test", url="/test/test")
# admin_exception_1 = Admin()
# admin_exception_1.init_app(app)
# This has the same endpoint as default_admin - not allowed
# Cannot have two Admin() instances with same endpoint name.
# admin_exception_2 = Admin(endpoint="admin1", url="/admin")
# admin_exception_2.init_app(app)
# This has the same url as default_admin - not allowed
# Cannot assign two Admin() instances with same URL and subdomain to the same application.
index_template = """
{% for link in links %}
<td>{{ link.url }}</td>
<td>{{ link.endpoint }}</td>
{% endfor %}
def index():
_links = []
_endpoints = ['admin.index', 'another.index', 'this_is_a_long_endpoint.index', 'test.index']
for _endpoint in _endpoints:
'url': url_for(_endpoint),
'endpoint': _endpoint
return render_template_string(index_template, links=_links)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(port=7000, debug=True)
Sample Output