-snip-< Success! Port 31338 Is Open!
-snip-< Added -snip- to the -snip-
-snip-< TIP: -snip-
-snip-< Failiure :( Port 31339 Is Closed!
-snip-< Added -snip- to the -snip-
-snip-< TIP: -snip-
-snip-< Failiure :( Port 31340 Is Closed!
-snip-< Added -snip- to the -snip-
This is my output in my richtextbox with my program. What is Port 31338 and why is it always open?
Does it have any relations with Port 31337? (Note: '-snip-' just means I cut out some information.)
It could be anything, but that port is sometimes used by Back Orifice, an old and nasty Trojan that's having a bit of a renaissance, as well as some other nasty software. I would strongly suspect an infection and run a malware scanner immediately.