Main project A (APK) depends on sub-project B (AAR). Both A and B depend on C (AAR). The problem is C included twice which cause:
"values.xml:XXX: error: Attribute "YYY" has already been defined"
How would I exclude transient dependency C from final APK?
Project A:
android_binary (
deps = [
], ...
name = 'src',
deps = [
], ...
name = 'res',
res = 'src/main/res', ...
Sub-project B
android_aar (
deps = [
], ...
name = 'src',
deps = [
], ...
name = 'res',
deps = [
], ...
C is "appcompat-v7.aar".
Note: A contains C in "A/libs" and B contains C in "B/libs".
I ended up removing dependency C from main project A while I'm working on sub-project B.
This way A gets C through sub-project B as a transitive dependency and prevents C to be included twice.