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Odoo Warning - Warning You are trying to install incompatible themes

Odoo Warning Odoo Warning - Warning You are trying to install incompatible themes: - Add to css (To be installed) - Default Theme (Installed)

Please uninstall your current theme before installing another one. Warning: switching themes may significantly alter the look of your current website pages!

this code i am trying

    <template id="styles_compiled" inherit_id="website.assets_frontend">
        <xpath expr="link[last()]" position="after">
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="/add_css_to_website/static/src/css/custom.css" />


  • I got Solution; 1. Please edit a file '' (main directory) and change the line:. 'category' : 'Theme/Backend', with 'category' : 'Website', 2. Next, run 'Update Apps List' from developer mode. 3. Now you can install the theme.

    thanks this is working for me... thanks