Hi I am a newborn person to this AVR coding world .
I am developing a 4*4 keypad to take user inputs and to display some of the things in the 16*2 LCD display.
So please u guys as experts I request your suggestions and explanations of such these points.
I kindly request your help on,
I can't understand the following code parts,
#define D5 eS_PORTD5 -
DDRD = 0xFF;
DDRB = 0x0F;
is this code fragment is used a predefined function , if so what is that,
if(bit_is_set (PINB,6))
the full code of this is attached herewith.
thank you for your kindness to waste your time on reading this , please help for a beginner if you know evenone of these things.
DDRD = 0xFF sets all bits of register DDRB to 1 which is setting the port D as outputs
(1 = output, 0 = input)
DDRB = 0x0F is setting portb low 4 bits as output, upper 4 bits as outputs.
bit_is_set a #define from sfr_defs.h, in this case, it checks if bit 6 is set from the PINB port.
it is the equivalent of (PINB & (1<<6))